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Apr 20, 2021

Out now!!!
The Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 vol. 3
Audiobook, eBook

We are giving away The Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 Vol. 3 audiobook, FREE to UK Lurid Listeners! All you have to do is head over to Twitter and send us a tweet or a direct message to @TheKMQ or email us-! Tell us that you'd like a FREE Audible download code for our #D30v3 audiobook and it's all yours!
Tweet @TheKMQ or email ASAP! Supply is limited, so don't hesitate!
*offer limited to UK listeners

Attn: Writers!
Call For Submissions
Erotica For Men
And The Women Who Love Them

Read the full Call For Submissions at!!!

Follow us on Twitter!
Romey Petite

The Kiss Me Quick's Erotica 


Rose Caraway

Dayv Caraway

The KMQ would like to thank the following musical artists
Kai Engle
KMQ introduction music by