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Oct 28, 2013

Saving Charlotte

A bonus episode to celebrate the release of Smokin Hot Firemen: Erotic Romance Stories

It is availabile in

 iTunes -

Audible -

Remember each positive review left on any of the above sites will earn you my next audio book Tool by Rose Caraway. Just buy Smokin Hot Firemen, write a pleasant review in iTunes or Audible (it can be anonymous), and send me an email with the link to that review and voilà! You've got yourself Tool when it is finally released. YAY

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Special thanks to Musical artists 

Grapes - 

Jahzzar -

Sabrina York-

And above all, 

Cleis Press - 

For more sexy talk just search "Rose Caraway" in AmazoniTunes, and Audible.

Thanks for your support. Big Kiss!

Halo Sex is coming.