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Mar 31, 2021

Hazzah, Lurid Listeners!
We are very excited, The Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 Vol. 3 audiobook is here!
Janine Ashbless

We are giving away The Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 Vol. 3 audiobook, FREE to UK Lurid Listeners! All you have to do is head over to Twitter and send us a tweet or a direct message to @TheKMQ or email us-! Tell us that you'd like a FREE Audible download code for our #D30v3 audiobook and it's all yours!
Tweet @TheKMQ or email ASAP! Supply is limited, so don't hesitate!
*offer limited to UK listeners

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The Kiss Me Quick's Erotica 


Rose Caraway

Dayv Caraway

The KMQ would like to thank these wonderful musical artists
Josh Woodward