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Aug 14, 2013

Duali-Teazea story of acceptance 

For more sexy talk just search "Rose Caraway" in AmazoniTunes, and Audible.

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Please support this show; buy an audio book and leave a nice review. Thank you.

I'd like to thank the following musicl artists

 Stewart Scarfe



Flex Vector


Chris Zibriskie


and the feature credits song, "Doing Time" by Garmisch


Remember each positive review left on any Rose Caraway audio books in Audible or iTunes will earn you my next audio book Tool written and narrated by me! (it can be anonymous)

For more of Rose Caraway's sexy stories -

almost eleven years ago

i just wanted say how much i enjoyed Duali Teaze. I fact i have enjoyed every podcast that i have listened to so far. I stumbled across them a couple of weeks ago and they have brightened up my drive too and from work every day since. (Although i do have to switch them off five minutes before i get there so that I can walk in to the office).
I love Sci-Fi stories and erotic Sci-Fi stories even more. I have always liked Carl East and now you. Keep up the good work. Please write more Duali Teaze stories.