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Sep 28, 2015

Today's story is, "Close Enough" written by the truly talented Raziel Moore.

Download The Sexy Librarian’s Dirty 30 Vol. 1 audiobook, or Ebook!

Contact Raziel Moore

Rose Caraway’s “Digits”

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Or you can call the Voice Mail Line at
(202) 810-5477 or  (202) 810-kiss

For more sexy talk just got to-

Jenny in Austin
almost nine years ago

Loved this story and the reading... wow.

Thank you, Rose and Dayv!!! I'm a new listener but already a big fan; I listen to your podcast via the Stitcher app.

Say, I'm not an Audible subscriber; is there any way to purchase your audiobooks that does *not* involve Audible? Thanks again!

almost nine years ago

Dear Dave,
Oh. My. God. This was amazing and I am blown away! :-)
Your talent as a narrator is absolutely phenomenal. I don't know how you feel about doing MORE, but THIS episode definitely proves you've got the talent & skill to not only read stories for the KMQ, but I would also LOVE to listen to you read an entire, full-length erotic novel with your hot, romantic, sexy voice!
Don't get me wrong, Rose is ALWAYS spot ON & amazing.... but what a TREAT to get to listen to Dave read this story. It's now my all-time FAVORITE episode on the KMQ website.
Will you read for us AGAIN, Dave? PLEEEASE?
We will not be able to FULLY appreciate your talent unless you read more, more, MORE!!!

over nine years ago


I've read the story on Moore's site, but Big Daddy ** IS ** the perfect voice for the tale.

Just plain wow.

over nine years ago

Oh man was this hot. I listed to this about five times...perfect combination of writing and delivery. More from Dave and Raziel please!!