Jul 5, 2015
A hot and sweaty cuckolding story taken from The Sexy
Librarian's Dirty Thirty Vol.1 anthology titled, This Is What It's
Like written by Kass Goldsworthy.
Get the
Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 Audiobook!
Check out my Bawdy Story telling video where tell you my true sex story!
Catch the interview I had with Sinclair Sexsmith here: http://sexylibrarian.libsyn.com/sinclair-sexsmith-inside-the-erotica-authors-studio
The Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 Ebook is out and it's only 2.99 for a very limited time!
Get it here- http://bit.ly/SexyLibrarianDirty30
Contact Rose
Phone- (202) 810-5477
Web- thekissmequicks.com
Email- thekissmequicks@gmail.com
Facecbook- https://www.facebook.com/rose.caraway.7
Twitter- @RoseCaraway @theKMQ
Get The Sexy Librarian's Dirty 30 Audiobook!